charter remote code for apex

What is the universal remote control code.
Charter Remote Codes for Vizio
NEW Sony EZ-TV and Cable Remote (Audio/Video/Electro by Sony
Problem with Vizio VO47L 47 in. LCD TV. Need the code for the charter remote. Need the code for the charter remote for my vizio
charter remote code for apex
Charter digital remote. codes? apex codes for universal.
14.03.2009 · Best Answer: APEX . 0214 0216 0215 0401 1. Press and hold the SETUP button until the red indicator stays on, then release the SETUP button. 2. Press and
02.05.2009 · I need a universal remote code for the Apex DT502 Digital Tv Converter Box. The original remote ceased to operate and I have no way to operate the
Remote control codes for Apex | DIRECTV.
I tried all the remote control codes for the Apex Digital that were on the Website and the on-TV instructions. I also tried the manaul setup with no luck.

charter remote code for apex
I need a universal remote code for the.
Charter Remote Codes for Sony
Need the code for the charter remote.
01.12.2009 · Best Answer: Just scan for the code on the directv remote. 1. Move slide to tv 2. press and hold "mute" and "select" until remote blinks 3. enter 9911 4
Hey guys. I have a charter digital remote. Of course, it works just fine with the cable box but is there an online manual i can use to program the .